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Here I am

Published on October 24, 2021

Despite the fierce battles and the losses and despite the failures,

Despite the wounds and despite of the scars,

Despite the storms and despite the rogue waves,

Despite the countless mistakes and despite the screw ups,

Despite the pain and despite the injuries,

Despite the sleepless nights and despite the darkness,

Here I am!

Here I am alive.

Here I am a wiser and a stronger warrior.

Here I am learning and growing.

Here I am on the path, not giving up and believing in myself.

Here I am changing what is needing to change.

Here I am up on my feet, unshaken like an oak tree.

Here I am aiming for victories.

Here I am ready for my fate.

Here I am very grateful to God for everything.

Here I am determined to pursue my visions.

Here I am trusting believing in my purpose.

Here I am proud of who I became.

Here I am moving forward.

Here I am healing.

Here I am understanding the lessons and the message.

Here I am letting the dead past bury its dead.

Here I am braver and more courageous than ever.

Here I am without blaming neither circumstances neither people.

Here I am fully responsible of my life choices.

Here I am without hate or grudges.

Here I am not giving up to fear.

Here I am wanting the best.

Here I am being my honest and loyal friend.

Here I am closer than ever to God.

Here I am thanks to parents prayers.

Here I am blessed to have a caring family and few true friends.

Here I am ready for the real tasks.

Here I am full of faith, without questioning God's will.

Here I am accepting what cannot be changed.

Here I am letting go what wasn't mean to be for me.

Here I am carrying on my journey in this life.

Here I am but here is where I shall not remain.

There I will be, where I dream to be and where I truly deserve to be.

Il Tempo Fugge: Text
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